21.-22. oktoobril toimub Riias IX Baltimaade puhkpillimuusika foorum

Korraldaja: Jazeps Vitols nim Läti Muusikaakadeemia (Riga, Kr. Barona Street, 1)

Laupäev,21. oktoober, 2017

9.30 registreerumine Läti Muusikaakadeemia fuajees
9.30 väljapanekute avamine (instrumendid, tarvikud, noodid, CD)

10.00 – 11.10 Foorumi avamine, kontsert – Leedu ja Eesti puhkpillimuusikat esitab National Armed Forces Wind Band, dirigent Guntis Kumačevs (Läti)

11.30 – 12.30 Töötuba: “The artistic and technical improvement of the conductor’s gesture.” (Erik Janners, Marquette University, USA)

11.30 – 12.30 Töötuba: “The basics of instrument repairing.” (Bernd Braendli Schille, Germany/Latvia

12.50 – 13.50 Töötuba: “Clarinets – the core of your band – how to improve their contribution.” (Principal, Prof. Dr Linda Merrick, Royal Northern College of Music, UK)

12.50 – 13.50 Töötuba: “Managing and understanding the percussion section –a practical approach.” (Director of Percussion, Simone Rebello, Royal Northern College of Music, UK12.50 – 13.50 Clinic: The collaboration between the students and teachers in

12.50 – 13.50 Töötuba: “The collaboration between the students and teachers in order to self-study the music instrument.” (Dr.habil.paed. Ausma Špone, University of Latvia)14.20 – 15.20 Clinic: Acoustic parameters of the voice. Correct breathing.

14.20 – 15.20 Töötuba: “Acoustic parameters of the voice. Correct breathing. Prevention of voice disorders.” (Head of ENT Clinicof Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital dr. Dins Sumerags, Latvia)

14.20 – 15.20 Töötuba dirigentidele ja ansamblijuhtidele: “The Song Festival in Lithuania 2018 – presentation of the wind bands” (The Artistic Director of the performance of wind bands during the Song and Dance Festival of Lithuania 2018., the Artistic Director of the State Wind band Trimitas, Ugnius Vaiginis, Lithuania)

15.40-16.50 Muusikakoolide ja muusikakõrgkoolide ansamblite kontsert

17.10-18.10 Töötuba: “Creating unusual ensembles and adjusting their repertoire.” (The principal percussionist and percussion ensemble leader of the National Armed Forces Wind band, teacher of Emils Darzins Music High School Dzintra Knābe, National Armed Forces Wind Band Ensemble)19.00 – 20.30 Concert of Birmingham Symphonic Winds, UK

19.00 – 20.30 Kontsert –  Birmingham Symphonic Winds, UK, dirigent Keith Allen, solist Simone Rebello, UK

Pühapäev, 22. oktoober

10.00 – 11.00 Töötuba: “CV of a beginners’ band.” (Participants Youth Wind Band of Jazeps Medins Riga 1st
Music School; Conductor: Katrīna Kivleniece; Clinician: Conductor Aigar Kostabi, Nōmme Music School,

10.00-11.00 Töötuba: “Baroque music – a creative chance.” (Clinician: Jazeps Vitols Latvian Academy of Music lecturer; Andris Arnicāns (baroque bassoon), Latvia; Participant: Elīna Vidriķe (baroque bassoon)

11.20-12.20 Töötuba: “The portraits of composers – Dr Martin Ellerby In conversation about his wind orchestra pieces with Keith Allen.” (Clinician: Keith Allen, UK; Participant: composer Martin Ellerby)

11.20-12.20 Töötuba: “Balancing the Flutes and Piccolo within the band” (Clinician: Principal Piccolo with BSW, Dr Milind Arolker,UK)12.40- 13.50 Concert of the music from Latvia

12.40- 13.50 Läti puhkpillimuusika kontsert – University of Latvia Wind Band, dirigendid Jānis Puriņš, Jānis Kaģis, Latvia, Erik Janners, USA)14.10-15.10 Clinic: Jazz articulation problems in young bands

14.10-15.10 Töötuba: “Jazz articulation problems in young bands.” (Participants: The Jazz Ensemble of Riga Dome Choir School; Conductor: Raitis Ašmanis; Clinician: Lecturer of the Jazz department of the Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre Skirmantas Sasnauskas, Lithuania)15.30 Closing of the Forum. Certificates.

15.30 Foorumi lõpetamine, osalejatele tunnistuste andmine, kontsert “Solo With the Orchestra” (National Guards Wind Band of the Republic Latvia, dirigent Andis Karelis)


Foorumi peakorraldaja Jazeps Vitols nim Läti Muusikaakadeemia professor Janis Purins, e-post janis.purins@jvlma.lv



Igavene link sellele artiklile: http://pmkoda.ee/et/21-22-oktoobril-toimub-riias-ix-baltimaade-puhkpilliorkestrijuhtide-foorum/