Ott Kask
Ott Kask (1962)
Ott Kask
Muusika seadjana ja heliloojana on Ott Kasele suurimaks väljakutseks olnud oma orkestriseadete esitamine laulupidudel. 2007. a Noorte Laulupeol juhatas Ott Kask puhkpilliorkestreid, kus kõlasid „Kuusalu Pulmamarss“ (solistina Lembit Saarsalu, tenorsaksofon) ning Tõnu Kõrvitsaga kahasse seatud „Eesti Eurolaulude popurrii“. 2011. a Noorte Laulupeol kõlas liivi rahvalaulu seade „Puhu, tuul“, 2014. a üldlaulupeo puhkpilliorkestrite programmis mängiti Ott Kase eesti rahvaviisi „Targa rehealune“ seadet.
„Kuusalu pulmamarss“ ja „Puhu, tuul“, samuti seade „Mu süda ärka üles“ on kõlanud kontsertidel ja konkurssidel kodumaiste ja välismaiste orkestrite ja dirigentide esituses Lätis, Tšehhis, Saksamaal, Madalmaades, Itaalias ning USAs erinevates paikades. Süit puhkpilliorkestrile (2013) on pühendatud õpetaja Priit Raik’ile (1948–2008) ja tellitud Tallinna Georg Otsa Muusikakooli puhkpilliorkestri poolt.
Ott Kask as an arranger and composer, Ott Kask’s greatest challenge has been presenting his orchestral arrangements at song festivals. At the 2007 Youth Song Festival, Ott Kask conducted wind orchestras performing the “Kuusalu Wedding March” (with tenor saxophone soloist Lembit Saarsalu) and the “Estonian Eurovision Medley,” arranged in collaboration with Tõnu Kõrvits. At the 2011 Youth Song Festival, his arrangement of the Livonian folk song “Blow, Wind” was performed, and at the 2014 General Song Festival, his arrangement of the Estonian folk tune “The Wise Man’s Barn” was featured in the wind orchestra program.
The “Kuusalu Wedding March” and “Blow, Wind,” along with his arrangement of “Awake, My Heart,” have been performed in concerts and competitions by orchestras and conductors from Estonia and abroad, in countries such as Latvia, the Czech Republic, Germany, the Netherlands, Italy, and various locations in the USA.
The Suite for Wind Orchestra (2013) is dedicated to teacher Priit Raik (1948–2008) and was commissioned by the Tallinn Georg Ots Music School Wind Orchestra.
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