Collana Musicale

Collana musicale (Muusikaline pärlikee it keeles) on õppematerjaliks mõeldud noodivihikute sarja kaubamärk. Iga vihik selles sarjas koosneb teostest, mis loodud toetama nii tehnilist kui ka kunstilist arengut. Nagu pärlid kees, on siinsed lood osakesteks terviklikus õppeprotsessi, iga pala on sammuke meisterlikkuse poole.

Collana musicale (Musical Pearl Necklace in Italian) is the brand for a series of music notebooks intended as teaching materials. Each notebook in this series consists of pieces designed to support both technical and artistic development. Like pearls in a necklace, the pieces here are parts of a comprehensive learning process, with each piece being a step toward mastery.

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